Hydroponic Farming For Cattle

Hydroponics is actually a scientific way of growing plants or crops in water without any soil in controlled environment.
Hydroponic farming for cattle. Hydroponic farming cost and profit analysis. Using hydroponic technology in dairy or livestock business growing hydroponic green fodder is very easy and simple and you can start growing quality fodder for your animals very easily. Significant reductions in feed cost and drought proofing are two of the k. The soilless farming technique which is gaining popularity these days is called hydroponic farming this technique makes use of water soluble nutrient mixture for growing fruit vegetable or flowering plants.
Hydroponic fodder for dairy goats poultry livestock a complete guide. According to your fooder quantity demand you can build a hydroponic fodder system. Today let us discuss hydroponic fodder for dairy goats sheep poultry chicken and other livestock including hydroponic fodder system cost. Green fodder is the natural diet for livestock the production of green fodder to meet the current demand has become a big challenge among livestock farmers.
Generally in conventional farming technology the soil soaks and stores the nutrients that. As we know in goat farming reducing feed cost is the key to success in this business hence this hydroponic farming of growing fodder plays vital role in reducing the fodder cost to almost 90 result in total profit. To build this system is required a little space mostly farmer use 10 ft x10 ft shade net to grow hydroponic fodder and it is better to choose shed net location near to the livestock shade because it becomes easy to operate.